Surviving Summer
Here in
England we don’t see much sunshine so for many of us the long awaited summer
months bring a welcome dose of Vitamin D and an excuse to hit the G&T’s and
jugs of Pimms hard. It’s also probably the most sociable time of year after
Christmas with all those BBQs, beach trips, weddings and picnics. And let’s not
forget the much deserved annual trip abroad.
pretty great if you’re in a good place and your mental health is in top nick.
But what if you’re not?
‘A team from London's Institute of Psychiatry found that suicide rates
go up during hot weather. Analysis of more than 50,000 suicides in England and
Wales between 1993 and 2003 showed the suicide rate rose when average daily
temperatures topped 18C. The study appears in the British Journal of
Psychiatry. ’ Source:BBC NEWS
whilst many of us are familiar with SAD (seasonal affective Disorder)
occurring during the winter months, some people suffer from the very reverse
with increased sensitivity to the heat and brightness of the summer season
having a great impact on their mood.
We can’t all be Olaf...

For those
who suffer with depression and anxiety and other mental health struggles the
expectation that we should be out enjoying ourselves and basking in the
sunshine can feel overwhelming, sometimes leading to feelings of inadequacy
and guilt.
we find it difficult to leave the house, the heat can make it oppressive to be
inside. If we are struggling with insomnia, sweaty nights can be a nightmare in
themselves. If we suffer with social anxiety then the aforementioned BBQS and
beach trips etc can cause panic. And if we are hiding our pain under long
sleeved hoodies and sweatshirts that conceal our self-harm scars, the question
‘’aren’t you hot in that?’’ can make our hearts race.
The Kaftan stays on ok!
‘’summer bodies are made in winter’’ but what if we were so depressed in the
cold months that all our energy went into keeping ourselves alive? A more noble
effort than squats I’d say ,but unfortunately today’s culture places more value
on a six pack.
The now
infamous ‘Are You Beach Body Ready’ campaign by Protein World caused
controversy when it was plastered all over trains and billboards two years ago.
It highlighted the immense pressure placed on women (but let’s not forget men
here either) to live up to a certain ideal body shape with the message that
unless you are tight, tanned and toned you’ve no business in a bikini or even on
a beach-Corporate body shaming on a grand scale!
For those
of us gripped by an eating disorder or Body dysmorphia, less clothes = increased
anxiety and self scrutiny of our appearance and/or weight.
Summer of Love? If you say so...
four wedding invites this summer and there’s not a plus one to be found on all
of Tinder. You’re ‘’Always the bridesmaid never the bride’’ but ‘’don’t worry
it will be you’re turn next love’’. Don’t you just love wedding season? If
you’re broken hearted from a recent break up or saddened by a struggle to find
the right life partner, watching all the ‘’perfect couples’’ you know tie the
knot can be like being made to sit with your eyes jammed open clockwork orange
style while Disney romances are played on loop.
combination of social protocols, large groups of people, photocalls , eating in
public and unpredictable seating plans can also create anxiety and sensory
overload for some.
We The Lonely

For those of us at school, college or University,
the summer holidays can feel like a lifetime of sunny nothingness. Maybe we
could distract ourselves from the feelings of isolation or the hurt of bullying and broken friendships with the business of lessons and
homework, but without it an enormous and sometimes frightening blank space can
be left in its place. And if school was a sanctuary from difficulties at home, then the summer holidays can make us feel even more isolated.
Filling all those hours on limited pocket money and even more limited company often means that most of our Summer can be spent online.
‘’Almost a quarter of 12 to 16-year-olds spend more than five hours a
day online during the school holidays, while averaging just over an hour during
term time. Some 20 per cent admitted interacting with strangers online — and 25
per cent said they had witnessed cyber bullying.’’ SOURCE: THE TIMES
If we are feeling lonely and vulnerable the internet is not always a friendly place to be. Talking to parents or a Counsellor may help or you can visit or for support.
The 42 day Play date
out for summer!!! No school means 6 weeks of quality family time and endless
fun right? ...right? Of course for many but not for everyone. Let’s not forget
the parents clenching their jaws as they walk the guilty tightrope between work
and family, balancing the demands of both as they juggle childcare during the
holidays. And speaking of holidays, the pressure of ‘’not disappointing the
kids’’ can make some parents feel backed into financial a corner when it comes
to paying for that annual break. You can just picture it now, ‘’IT’S NOT FAIR!!
Everyone else is going to Dubai and Florida and we’re going Yarmouth/Skegness/Clacton
on sea’’.
And if
you’re a single parent, a parent with a mental illness or a socially isolated
parent then the pressure to entertain you’re children for 6 weeks with no
respite can be even more stressful.
Let’s all get some shade from the summer sun
And if
someone you care about is struggling with Mental illness, understanding that
the lovely weather may not always help their mood, or may possibly even make it worse
can help both them and you feel less pressured and frustrated in the heat.
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